Expert in Big Data Analytics


Chief Data Science and AI Officer ,SITA.AERO , Jean-Paul Isson is an author, international speaker, expert in Big Data Analytics and Advanced Business Analytics evangelist and advisor. 


Big Data Analytics evangelist, Jean-Paul Isson helps organizations to create economic value from their data

JP Isson helps organizations to create economic value from their data.


Demystifying Advanced Business Analytics in 4 steps

Demystify Advanced Business Analytics in 4 steps by Jean-Paul Isson, expert in Big Data Analytics.

See more about his biography,  upcoming events and articles written in mass media and videos about Predictive Analytics.

JP Isson has also published a book : Win With Advanced Business Analytics.


Interested in having a best selling Business Analytics Author and an expert in Big Data Analytics and Advanced Business Analytics Speak at your next event or conference ?


Contact him now with details of your request.